Friday, February 7, 2014

Sobering news

I was reminded again today about how fleeting and how fragile life is (as if I needed another reminder). I learned of a very dear friend who has been touched by cancer. A very fit man, Ironman triathlete, and someone committed to a healthy lifestyle - and just never know. I am in hopes that the cancer has been caught early enough to allow for a full recovery. If there's anyone who will fight like hell, it's him.

Since I turned 40 last year I have spent quite a lot of time considering my mortality, as many of us who reach middle age will do. Time flies by so quickly doesn't it? I tend to mark time by the preparation for, anticipation of, and training for running events. Whether it's a 10k or an ultra, I mark the dates on the calendar and look forward to each event like a child awaits Christmas morning. Then the day of a race which seemed at one point to be ages away arrives, the event takes place, I savor the moment, then it is gone. Then, the next one. But someday there won't be a "next one". I hope that day is a long way off - but, you never know. You can do all the right things and still time takes its toll. I'll be offering prayers for my friend and for all those touched by cancer in the hopes that someday - someday soon - we can realize a day where loved ones aren't taken from us so soon by this disease. And on my run tonight, my first since Rocky Raccoon, I'll be grateful for my breath, grateful for each step, and remember that while someday I won't be able to do this any more, today is not that day.