Saturday, January 3, 2015

Chance Encounters

Local roads and trails, 14.3 miles, 1:55:35

Trail running has introduced me to a number of things, from minimal drop shoes to gels to hydration packs. I've run in some pretty cool places and have had the good fortune to have enjoyed some incredible experiences. I've learned a lot about myself, my limits, and what it really means to push through tough times and dark places. These lessons have carried over into my daily life, as I have my own share of dark days and idiosyncrasies that I am trying to overcome. But by far, the most cherished part of trail running that I have enjoyed are the chance encounters with people out on the trail. 

Whether it's a passing conversation along some single track, a long hike on a tough day, or a training run with new people, I have learned that the trails are truly a special place populated by special people. It's funny how shared experiences can bring people together. There's a saying that what's said on the trail stays on the trail. Deeply personal conversations can be shared between people who may have just met a few hours (or miles) before. Some lifelong friendships are born and others are renewed. I have had the good fortune to share much with these good people, who have in turn taught me and strengthened me in ways that I cannot begin to recount.

2014 was indeed a blessing for me as I have experienced the gift of such friendship in many different ways. There are those with whom I shared one day, one run, one race. Our paths crossed that day, we experienced that moment together, then we moved on. Others have become very close friends of mine, with whom I have come to know on a much more personal level. But one thing that I have noticed is that our trail and ultra running community is a close-knit group, and it is much smaller than one would think.

I heard someone refer to our community of trail runners as "our little tribe". I liked the sound of that. Regardless of where we came from our how we got here, we all share a love of our trails, a love of the outdoors, and love the community that has grown around this crazy sport. We give a knowing nod when someone laments a certain injury and offer support when another is going through a tough time. We know, because we've all been there. 

Without a doubt, the one thing to which I look forward most in 2015 is the chance to share these moments on the trail again. To cross paths with new people. To share our stories. To laugh a little, to curse a difficult stretch of trail, and to carry each other when we think we can't go on by ourselves. It is a wonderful thing to experience. It is far more valuable to me than race outcomes, finish times, medals, or buckles. It is the joy of a shared moment that, were you to try to explain to someone outside of the tribe, would be impossible to articulate. 

Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson

Today's run was a chance to get some endurance work in, a 2 hour run with some easy surges. I kept the effort level on the down-low as I (hopefully) finish off this respiratory junk that has plagued me for the past couple weeks. I felt quite good, better than I expected, perhaps buoyed by the extra rest I have taken over the last couple weeks. As race week begins my runs will ease up dramatically over the next few days as my priority becomes recovery. More about my race planning tomorrow.

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